Get Started

To get started with Derupt, you will need a few things.

What you Need:

  • Stacks Wallet

  • Tokens (STX & CryptoCash)

  • BNS Name (.btc)

Note: Users Deploy and Activate their .derupt-profile contract as well. (done in app)

What do you need them for?

Stacks Wallet: Used for authentication. We recommend that you use Leather for desktop or Xverse for mobile. (BACK UP AND NEVER SHARE YOUR KEY SEED PHRASE)

STX & CryptoCash Tokens: Used for sending Messages and or Actions.

BNS Name: Used to discover profile meta data such as links and banners. We recommend that you get a Name from BTC.US

Deruptar NFT: Used for Profile a Check Marks. Owning 2 or more to have a Diamond.

Last updated