
Users call their own .derupt-profile which then calls .derupt-core-yyyymmdd

The core maybe require or receive upgrades/updates from time to time, for that we follow a simple date based naming convention to track versions.


  • .derupt-core-yyyymmdd contract is for handling public message & action logic.

  • .derupt-core-yyyymmdd contract receives calls from .derupt-profile contracts and proceeds to process them accordingly.


  • users should deploy a .derupt-profilecontract in app before using core features.

  • users should call.derupt-profile

  • users should not call.derupt-core-yyyymmdd (nor logging contracts)

  • users should only enable 1 extension per 1 key function at a time (eg up to 6 active extensions at a time)

Key Functions Process Transactions Overview:

What happens in a process depends on the function the user is calling.

  • gift-message: transfer of a variable sip-010 token is called during this process.

  • send-message: mine cryptocash is called during this process.

  • like-message: transfer cryptocash is called during this process.

  • dislike-message: stack cryptocash is called during this process.

  • favorable-reply-message: mine & transfer cryptocash is called during this process.

  • unfavorable-reply-message: mine & stack cryptocash is called during this process.

The 6 key functions and arguments in the .derupt-core-yyyymmdd contract:


Broadcast Send Message to the Stacks Blockchain

Data Flow of the Function: 1).derupt-profile 2).derupt-core-yyyymmdd (&.derupt-ext if defined) 3).derupt-gifts


  • ...


  • Successful Stacks Transaction

  • Unsuccessful Stacks Transaction


Broadcast Send Message to the Stacks Blockchain

Data Flow of the Function: 1).derupt-profile 2).derupt-core-yyyymmdd (&.derupt-ext if defined) 3).derupt-feed (&.derupt-miners)


  • ...


  • Successful Stacks Transaction

  • Unsuccessful Stacks Transaction


Broadcast Like Message to Stacks Blockchain

Data Flow of the Function: 1) .derupt-profile 2) .derupt-core-yyyymmdd (&.derupt-ext if defined) 3) .derupt-sentiment


  • ...


  • Successful Stacks Transaction

  • Unsuccessful Stacks Transaction


Broadcast Dislike Message to Stacks Blockchain

Data Flow of the Function: 1) .derupt-profile 2) .derupt-core-yyyymmdd (&.derupt-ext if defined) 3) .derupt-sentiment (&.derupt-stackers)


  • ...


  • Successful Stacks Transaction

  • Unsuccessful Stacks Transaction


Broadcast Favorable Reply Message to Stacks Blockchain

Data Flow of the Function: 1) .derupt-profile 2) .derupt-core-yyyymmdd (&.derupt-ext if defined) 3) .derupt-feed (&.derupt-sentiment &.derupt-miners)


  • ...


  • Successful Stacks Transaction

  • Unsuccessful Stacks Transaction


Broadcast Unfavorable Reply Message to Stacks Blockchain

Data Flow of the Function: 1) .derupt-profile 2) .derupt-core-yyyymmdd (&.derupt-ext if defined) 3) .derupt-feed (&.derupt-sentiment &.derupt-miners &.derupt-stackers)


  • ...


  • Successful Stacks Transaction

  • Unsuccessful Stacks Transaction

Work in Progress

;; title: derupt-core-20241204
;; version: 1.3.1
;; summary: Gifts Contract
;; description: used to handle core Derupt logic

(impl-trait 'ST1ZK4MRVTQQJMVAAJQWBV2WPQ87QV2851YCTHD7X.derupt-core-trait.derupt-core-trait)

(use-trait derupt-ext-trait 'ST1ZK4MRVTQQJMVAAJQWBV2WPQ87QV2851YCTHD7X.derupt-ext-trait.derupt-ext)

(use-trait sip-009-trait 'ST1ZK4MRVTQQJMVAAJQWBV2WPQ87QV2851YCTHD7X.sip-009-trait-nft-standard.sip-009-trait)
(use-trait sip-010-trait 'ST1ZK4MRVTQQJMVAAJQWBV2WPQ87QV2851YCTHD7X.sip-010-trait-ft-standard.sip-010-trait)
(use-trait sip-013-trait 'ST1ZK4MRVTQQJMVAAJQWBV2WPQ87QV2851YCTHD7X.sip-013-trait-sft-standard.sip-013-trait)

(use-trait cryptocash-token-trait 'ST1ZK4MRVTQQJMVAAJQWBV2WPQ87QV2851YCTHD7X.cryptocash-token-trait.cryptocash-token)
(use-trait cryptocash-core-trait 'ST1ZK4MRVTQQJMVAAJQWBV2WPQ87QV2851YCTHD7X.cryptocash-core-trait.cryptocash-core)

;; Error
(define-constant ERR-UNAUTHORIZED (err u100))
(define-constant ERR-NOTFOUND (err u101))
(define-constant ERR-SELF-GIFT (err u102))
(define-constant ERR-INSUFFICIENT-BALANCE (err u103))
(define-constant ERR-SENDER-MISMATCH (err u104))
(define-constant ERR-INVALID-MEMO (err u105))
(define-constant ERR-CONTENT-REQUIRED (err u106))
(define-constant ERR-WITH-ATTACHMENT (err u107))
(define-constant ERR-WITH-THUMBNAIL (err u108))
(define-constant ERR-WITH-REPLYTO (err u109))
(define-constant ERR-ALT-ORIGIN-REQUIRED (err u110))
(define-constant ERR-WITH-MINE-AMOUNT (err u111))
(define-constant ERR-INVALID-VALUE (err u112))
(define-constant ERR-INVALID-DEV-ADDRESS (err u113))
(define-constant ERR-INVALID-GAIA-ADDRESS (err u114))
(define-constant ERR-LIKED-TXID-REQUIRED (err u115))
(define-constant ERR-INVALID-CC-TOKEN (err u116))
(define-constant ERR-SELF-LIKE (err u117))
(define-constant ERR-INVALID-LIKE-AMOUNT (err u118))
(define-constant ERR-DISLIKED-TXID-REQUIRED (err u119))
(define-constant ERR-SELF-DISLIKE (err u120))
(define-constant ERR-INVALID-CC-CORE (err u121))
(define-constant ERR-INVALID-DISLIKE-AMOUNT (err u122))
(define-constant ERR-INVALID-LOCK-PERIOD (err u123))
(define-constant ERR-INVALID-EXTRA (err u124))

;; Constant Equals Versioning via Contract Naming Convention
(define-constant derupt-core-yyyymmdd (as-contract tx-sender))

;; Get Costs
(define-read-only (get-chime-stx-amount)  
  (contract-call? .derupt-feed get-chime-stx-amount)

(define-read-only (get-chime-ft-amount)  
  (contract-call? .derupt-feed get-chime-ft-amount)

(define-read-only (get-cc-token-contract)
  (contract-call? .derupt-feed get-cc-token-contract)

(define-read-only (get-cc-core-contract)
  (contract-call? .derupt-feed get-cc-core-contract)

;; Log Stacking
(define-private (log-stack (stacker principal) (dislike-ft-total uint) (lockPeriod uint)) 
  (contract-call? .derupt-stackers log-stack tx-sender dislike-ft-total lockPeriod)

;; Log Mining
(define-private (log-mine (miner principal) (mine-amounts (list 200 uint))) 
  (contract-call? .derupt-miners log-mine tx-sender mine-amounts)

;; Log Gifting
(define-private (log-gift 
  (sender principal) 
  (recipient principal) 
  (is-stx bool) 
  (contractId <sip-010-trait>) 
  (amount uint) 
  (memo (optional (buff 34)))
  (ext (optional <derupt-ext-trait>))
  (contract-call? .derupt-gifts log-gift sender recipient is-stx contractId amount memo ext)

;; Log Send Message
(define-private (log-send-message 
  (content (string-utf8 256)) 
  (attachment-uri (optional (string-utf8 256))) 
  (thumbnail-uri (optional (string-utf8 256))) 
  (reply-to (optional (string-utf8 256))) 
  (mine-amounts (list 200 uint)) 
  (alt-origin (string-utf8 256))
  (ext (optional <derupt-ext-trait>))
  (pay-dev bool) 
  (pay-gaia bool) 
  (dev-stx-amount uint) 
  (gaia-stx-amount uint)
  (dev-principal (optional principal)) 
  (gaia-principal (optional principal))
  (contract-call? .derupt-feed log-send-message content attachment-uri thumbnail-uri reply-to mine-amounts alt-origin ext pay-dev pay-gaia dev-stx-amount gaia-stx-amount dev-principal gaia-principal)

;; Log Like Message
(define-private (log-like-message 
  (author-principal principal) 
  (like-ft-total uint) 
  (liked-txid (string-utf8 256)) 
  (contractId <sip-010-trait>)
  (pay-dev bool)
  (pay-gaia bool) 
  (dev-ft-total uint) 
  (gaia-ft-total uint)
  (dev-principal (optional principal)) 
  (gaia-principal (optional principal))
  (ext (optional <derupt-ext-trait>))
  (contract-call? .derupt-sentiment log-like-message tx-sender author-principal like-ft-total liked-txid contractId pay-dev pay-gaia dev-ft-total gaia-ft-total dev-principal gaia-principal ext)

;; Log Dislike Message
(define-private (log-dislike-message 
  (author-principal principal) 
  (dislike-ft-total uint) 
  (lock-period uint) 
  (disliked-txid (string-utf8 256)) 
  (contractId <sip-010-trait>)
  (pay-dev bool) 
  (pay-gaia bool) 
  (dev-ft-total uint) 
  (gaia-ft-total uint)
  (dev-principal (optional principal)) 
  (gaia-principal (optional principal))
  (ext (optional <derupt-ext-trait>))
  (contract-call? .derupt-sentiment log-dislike-message tx-sender author-principal dislike-ft-total lock-period disliked-txid contractId pay-dev pay-gaia dev-ft-total gaia-ft-total dev-principal gaia-principal ext)

;; Mine Reward Claim
(define-private (claim-mining-reward (minerBlockHeight uint)) 
  (contract-call? .cryptocash-core claim-mining-reward minerBlockHeight)
(define-public (claim-mining-reward-list (claimHeights (list 200 uint))) 
    (map claim-mining-reward claimHeights)
    (try! (contract-call? .derupt-miners log-mining-reward-claim claimHeights))
    (ok true)

;; Stack Reward Claim
(define-private (claim-stacking-reward (targetCycle uint)) 
  (contract-call? .cryptocash-core claim-stacking-reward targetCycle)
(define-public (claim-stacking-reward-list (targetCycles (list 32 uint))) 
    (map claim-stacking-reward targetCycles)
    (try! (contract-call? .derupt-stackers log-stacking-reward-claim targetCycles))
    (ok true)

;; Extras validate function
(define-private (validate-extra (extra {
    stringutf8: (optional (string-utf8 256)), 
    stringascii: (optional (string-ascii 256)), 
    uint: (optional uint), 
    int: (optional int), 
    principal: (optional principal), 
    bool: (optional bool),
    buff: (optional (buff 34)),
    proxy: (optional (buff 2048)),
    cryptocash-token-contract: (optional <cryptocash-token-trait>),
    cryptocash-core-contract: (optional <cryptocash-core-trait>),
    sip-009-contract: (optional <sip-009-trait>),
    sip-010-contract: (optional <sip-010-trait>),
    sip-013-contract: (optional <sip-013-trait>)
  (res (response bool uint))
    ;; Validate `cryptocash-token-contract` if present
     (if (is-some (get cryptocash-token-contract extra))
      (let ((provided-token-contract (unwrap! (get cryptocash-token-contract extra) ERR-NOTFOUND)))
          (is-eq (contract-of provided-token-contract) (unwrap! (get-cc-token-contract) ERR-NOTFOUND)) 
      false ;; Skip validation if none

    ;; Validate `cryptocash-core-contract` if present
    (if (is-some (get cryptocash-core-contract extra))
      (let ((provided-core-contract (unwrap! (get cryptocash-core-contract extra) ERR-NOTFOUND)))
          (is-eq (contract-of provided-core-contract) (unwrap! (get-cc-core-contract) ERR-NOTFOUND)) 
      false ;; Skip validation if none

;; Core Operation Gift Message - updated
(define-public (gift-message (sender principal) 
    (recipient principal) (is-stx bool) 
    (contractId <sip-010-trait>) (amount uint)
    (memo (optional (buff 34)))
    (ext (optional <derupt-ext-trait>))
    (extras (optional (list 10 
        stringutf8: (optional (string-utf8 256)), 
        stringascii: (optional (string-ascii 256)), 
        uint: (optional uint), 
        int: (optional int), 
        principal: (optional principal), 
        bool: (optional bool),
        buff: (optional (buff 34)),
        proxy: (optional (buff 2048)),
        cryptocash-token-contract: (optional <cryptocash-token-trait>),
        cryptocash-core-contract: (optional <cryptocash-core-trait>),
        sip-009-contract: (optional <sip-009-trait>),
        sip-010-contract: (optional <sip-010-trait>),
        sip-013-contract: (optional <sip-013-trait>)

    ;; Validate EXTRAs Optional CryptoCash Core & Token - for Ext use
    (if (is-some extras) 
      (asserts! (is-ok (fold validate-extra (unwrap! extras ERR-NOTFOUND) (ok true))) ERR-INVALID-EXTRA)
    ;; Validate recipient is not sender
    (asserts! (not (is-eq sender recipient)) ERR-SELF-GIFT)
    ;; Sender is tx-sender
    (asserts! (is-eq sender tx-sender) ERR-SENDER-MISMATCH)

    ;; Ensure sender balance is greater than amount being sent
    (asserts! (> (unwrap! (contract-call? contractId get-balance sender) ERR-NOTFOUND) amount) ERR-INSUFFICIENT-BALANCE)
    ;; Ensure memo buff is present, if so len must less than or equal to 34
    (if (is-some memo)
      (asserts! (<= (len (unwrap! memo ERR-INVALID-MEMO)) u34) ERR-INVALID-MEMO)

    ;; Executes extention contract function if defined
    (if (not (is-none ext))
        ((targetContract (unwrap! ext ERR-NOTFOUND))) 
        (try! (contract-call? targetContract exec-ext-func extras ))

    (is-ok (log-gift sender recipient is-stx contractId amount memo ext))
    (ok true)

;; Core Operation Send Message - updated
(define-public (send-message 
  (content (string-utf8 256)) 
  (attachment-uri (optional (string-utf8 256))) 
  (thumbnail-uri (optional (string-utf8 256))) 
  (reply-to (optional (string-utf8 256))) 
  (mine-amounts (list 200 uint)) 
  (alt-origin (string-utf8 256))
  (ext (optional <derupt-ext-trait>))
  (extras (optional (list 10 
      stringutf8: (optional (string-utf8 256)), 
      stringascii: (optional (string-ascii 256)), 
      uint: (optional uint), 
      int: (optional int), 
      principal: (optional principal), 
      bool: (optional bool),
      buff: (optional (buff 34)),
      proxy: (optional (buff 2048)),
      cryptocash-token-contract: (optional <cryptocash-token-trait>),
      cryptocash-core-contract: (optional <cryptocash-core-trait>),
      sip-009-contract: (optional <sip-009-trait>),
      sip-010-contract: (optional <sip-010-trait>),
      sip-013-contract: (optional <sip-013-trait>)
  (pay-dev bool) 
  (pay-gaia bool) 
  (dev-stx-amount uint) 
  (gaia-stx-amount uint)
  (dev-principal (optional principal)) 
  (gaia-principal (optional principal))
  (cryptocash-core-contract <cryptocash-core-trait>)
      (dev-stx-total dev-stx-amount) 
      (gaia-stx-total gaia-stx-amount) 
      ;; Validate CryptoCash Core - for Derupt use 
      (asserts! (is-eq (contract-of cryptocash-core-contract) (unwrap! (get-cc-core-contract) ERR-INVALID-CC-CORE)) ERR-INVALID-CC-CORE) ;; needed for dislike-message, but we also need it at send-message validation but accidently skipped it.

      ;; Validate EXTRAs Optional CryptoCash Core & Token - for Ext use
      (if (is-some extras) 
        (asserts! (is-ok (fold validate-extra (unwrap! extras ERR-NOTFOUND) (ok true))) ERR-INVALID-EXTRA)

      ;; Content Required
      (asserts! (> (len content) u0) ERR-CONTENT-REQUIRED)

      ;; len check attachment-uri and make sure its less than or equal to 256
      (asserts! (<= (len (unwrap! attachment-uri ERR-WITH-ATTACHMENT)) u256) ERR-WITH-ATTACHMENT)

      ;; len check thumbnail-uri and make sure its less than or equal to 256
      (asserts! (<= (len (unwrap! thumbnail-uri ERR-WITH-THUMBNAIL)) u256) ERR-WITH-THUMBNAIL)

      ;; len check reply-to and make sure its less than or equal to 256
      (asserts! (<= (len (unwrap! reply-to ERR-WITH-REPLYTO)) u256) ERR-WITH-REPLYTO)

      ;; sum check of list and make sure its greater than 0
      (asserts! (> (fold + mine-amounts u0) u0) ERR-WITH-MINE-AMOUNT)

      ;; Alt-Origin Required
      (asserts! (> (len alt-origin) u0) ERR-ALT-ORIGIN-REQUIRED)

      ;; Interface Amounts greater than or equal to 0
      (asserts! (>= dev-stx-total u0) ERR-INVALID-VALUE)
      (asserts! (>= gaia-stx-amount u0) ERR-INVALID-VALUE)

      ;; Interface Payment Address checks
      (asserts! (is-standard (unwrap! dev-principal ERR-INVALID-DEV-ADDRESS)) ERR-INVALID-DEV-ADDRESS)
      (asserts! (is-standard (unwrap! gaia-principal ERR-INVALID-GAIA-ADDRESS)) ERR-INVALID-GAIA-ADDRESS)
      ;; Proceed with calling Feed contract
      (try! (contract-call? .derupt-feed pay-stx mine-amounts pay-dev pay-gaia dev-stx-amount gaia-stx-amount dev-principal gaia-principal cryptocash-core-contract))

      ;; Executes extention contract function if defined
      (if (not (is-none ext))
          ((targetContract (unwrap! ext ERR-NOTFOUND))) 
          (try! (contract-call? targetContract exec-ext-func extras))

      (is-ok (log-send-message content attachment-uri thumbnail-uri reply-to mine-amounts alt-origin ext pay-dev pay-gaia dev-stx-total gaia-stx-total dev-principal gaia-principal))
      (is-ok (log-mine tx-sender mine-amounts))
      (ok true)

;; Core Operation Like Message
(define-public (like-message 
  (author-principal principal) 
  (liked-txid (string-utf8 256)) 
  (cryptocash-token-contract <cryptocash-token-trait>)
  (like-ft-amount uint) 
  (pay-dev bool) 
  (pay-gaia bool) 
  (dev-ft-amount uint) 
  (gaia-ft-amount uint)
  (dev-principal (optional principal)) 
  (gaia-principal (optional principal))
  (ext (optional <derupt-ext-trait>))
  (extras (optional (list 10 
      stringutf8: (optional (string-utf8 256)), 
      stringascii: (optional (string-ascii 256)), 
      uint: (optional uint), 
      int: (optional int), 
      principal: (optional principal), 
      bool: (optional bool),
      buff: (optional (buff 34)),
      proxy: (optional (buff 2048)),
      cryptocash-token-contract: (optional <cryptocash-token-trait>),
      cryptocash-core-contract: (optional <cryptocash-core-trait>),
      sip-009-contract: (optional <sip-009-trait>),
      sip-010-contract: (optional <sip-010-trait>),
      sip-013-contract: (optional <sip-013-trait>)
      (like-ft-total like-ft-amount)
      (dev-ft-total dev-ft-amount)
      (gaia-ft-total gaia-ft-amount)
      ;; Validate CryptoCash Token - for Derupt use 
      (asserts! (is-eq (contract-of cryptocash-token-contract) (unwrap! (get-cc-token-contract) ERR-INVALID-CC-TOKEN)) ERR-INVALID-CC-TOKEN)
      ;; Validate EXTRAs Optional CryptoCash Core & Token - for Ext use
      (if (is-some extras) 
        (asserts! (is-ok (fold validate-extra (unwrap! extras ERR-NOTFOUND) (ok true))) ERR-INVALID-EXTRA)

      ;; Can't Like Self
      (asserts! (not (is-eq tx-sender author-principal)) ERR-SELF-LIKE)
      ;; Liked Transaction ID Required
      (asserts! (> (len liked-txid) u0) ERR-LIKED-TXID-REQUIRED)

      ;; Like Amount to Author must be greater than 0
      (asserts! (> like-ft-amount u0) ERR-INVALID-LIKE-AMOUNT)

      ;; Interface Amounts greater than or equal to 0
      (asserts! (>= dev-ft-total u0) ERR-INVALID-VALUE)
      (asserts! (>= gaia-ft-total u0) ERR-INVALID-VALUE)

      ;; Interface Payment Address checks
      (asserts! (is-standard (unwrap! dev-principal ERR-INVALID-DEV-ADDRESS)) ERR-INVALID-DEV-ADDRESS)
      (asserts! (is-standard (unwrap! gaia-principal ERR-INVALID-GAIA-ADDRESS)) ERR-INVALID-GAIA-ADDRESS)

      ;; Proceed with calling Feed contract
      (try! (contract-call? .derupt-feed pay-ft-like author-principal like-ft-total pay-dev pay-gaia dev-ft-total gaia-ft-total dev-principal gaia-principal cryptocash-token-contract))

      ;; Executes extention contract function if defined
      (if (not (is-none ext))
          ((targetContract (unwrap! ext ERR-NOTFOUND))) 
          (try! (contract-call? targetContract exec-ext-func extras))

      (is-ok (log-like-message author-principal like-ft-total liked-txid cryptocash-token-contract pay-dev pay-gaia dev-ft-total gaia-ft-total dev-principal gaia-principal ext))
      (ok true)

;; Core Operation Dislike Message
(define-public (dislike-message 
  (author-principal principal) 
  (disliked-txid (string-utf8 256)) 
  (cryptocash-token-contract <cryptocash-token-trait>)
  (cryptocash-core-contract <cryptocash-core-trait>)
  (dislike-ft-amount uint)
  (lockPeriod uint) 
  (pay-dev bool) 
  (pay-gaia bool) 
  (dev-ft-amount uint) 
  (gaia-ft-amount uint)
  (dev-principal (optional principal)) 
  (gaia-principal (optional principal))
  (ext (optional <derupt-ext-trait>))
  (extras (optional (list 10 
      stringutf8: (optional (string-utf8 256)), 
      stringascii: (optional (string-ascii 256)), 
      uint: (optional uint), 
      int: (optional int), 
      principal: (optional principal), 
      bool: (optional bool),
      buff: (optional (buff 34)),
      proxy: (optional (buff 2048)),
      cryptocash-token-contract: (optional <cryptocash-token-trait>),
      cryptocash-core-contract: (optional <cryptocash-core-trait>),
      sip-009-contract: (optional <sip-009-trait>),
      sip-010-contract: (optional <sip-010-trait>),
      sip-013-contract: (optional <sip-013-trait>)
      (dislike-ft-total dislike-ft-amount)
      (dev-ft-total dev-ft-amount)
      (gaia-ft-total gaia-ft-amount)
      ;; Validate CryptoCash Token - for Derupt use 
      (asserts! (is-eq (contract-of cryptocash-token-contract) (unwrap! (get-cc-token-contract) ERR-INVALID-CC-TOKEN)) ERR-INVALID-CC-TOKEN) 

      ;; Validate CryptoCash Core - for Derupt use 
      (asserts! (is-eq (contract-of cryptocash-core-contract) (unwrap! (get-cc-core-contract) ERR-INVALID-CC-CORE)) ERR-INVALID-CC-CORE) 

      ;; Validate EXTRAs Optional CryptoCash Core & Token - for Ext use
      (if (is-some extras) 
        (asserts! (is-ok (fold validate-extra (unwrap! extras ERR-NOTFOUND) (ok true))) ERR-INVALID-EXTRA)

      ;; Can't Dislike Self
      (asserts! (not (is-eq tx-sender author-principal)) ERR-SELF-DISLIKE)

      ;; Liked Transaction ID Required
      (asserts! (> (len disliked-txid) u0) ERR-DISLIKED-TXID-REQUIRED)

      ;; Dislike Amount to Stack must be greater than 0
      (asserts! (> dislike-ft-total u0) ERR-INVALID-DISLIKE-AMOUNT)

      ;; Lock Period must be greater than 0
      (asserts! (> lockPeriod u0) ERR-INVALID-LOCK-PERIOD)

      ;; Interface Amounts greater than or equal to 0
      (asserts! (>= dev-ft-total u0) ERR-INVALID-VALUE)
      (asserts! (>= gaia-ft-total u0) ERR-INVALID-VALUE)

      ;; Interface Payment Address checks
      (asserts! (is-standard (unwrap! dev-principal ERR-INVALID-DEV-ADDRESS)) ERR-INVALID-DEV-ADDRESS)
      (asserts! (is-standard (unwrap! gaia-principal ERR-INVALID-GAIA-ADDRESS)) ERR-INVALID-GAIA-ADDRESS)

      ;; Proceed with calling Feed contract
      (try! (contract-call? .derupt-feed pay-ft-dislike dislike-ft-total lockPeriod pay-dev pay-gaia dev-ft-total gaia-ft-total dev-principal gaia-principal cryptocash-token-contract cryptocash-core-contract))
      ;; Executes extention contract function if defined
      (if (not (is-none ext))
          ((targetContract (unwrap! ext ERR-NOTFOUND))) 
          (try! (contract-call? targetContract exec-ext-func extras))

      (is-ok (log-dislike-message author-principal dislike-ft-total lockPeriod disliked-txid cryptocash-token-contract pay-dev pay-gaia dev-ft-total gaia-ft-total dev-principal gaia-principal ext))      
      (is-ok (log-stack tx-sender dislike-ft-total lockPeriod))
      (ok true)

;; Core Operation Favorable Reply Message
(define-public (favorable-reply-message 
  (content (string-utf8 256)) 
  (author-principal principal) 
  (attachment-uri (optional (string-utf8 256))) 
  (thumbnail-uri (optional (string-utf8 256))) 
  (reply-to (string-utf8 256)) 
  (liked-txid (string-utf8 256)) 
  (mine-amounts (list 200 uint)) 
  (alt-origin (string-utf8 256))
  (ext (optional <derupt-ext-trait>)) 
  (extras (optional (list 10 
      stringutf8: (optional (string-utf8 256)), 
      stringascii: (optional (string-ascii 256)), 
      uint: (optional uint), 
      int: (optional int), 
      principal: (optional principal), 
      bool: (optional bool),
      buff: (optional (buff 34)),
      proxy: (optional (buff 2048)),
      cryptocash-token-contract: (optional <cryptocash-token-trait>),
      cryptocash-core-contract: (optional <cryptocash-core-trait>),
      sip-009-contract: (optional <sip-009-trait>),
      sip-010-contract: (optional <sip-010-trait>),
      sip-013-contract: (optional <sip-013-trait>)
  (cryptocash-token-contract <cryptocash-token-trait>)
  (cryptocash-core-contract <cryptocash-core-trait>)
  (like-ft-amount uint)
  (pay-dev bool) 
  (pay-gaia bool) 
  (dev-stx-amount uint) 
  (gaia-stx-amount uint)
  (dev-ft-amount uint) 
  (gaia-ft-amount uint)
  (dev-principal (optional principal)) 
  (gaia-principal (optional principal))

      ;; Validate EXTRAs Optional CryptoCash Core & Token - for Ext use
      (if (is-some extras) 
        (asserts! (is-ok (fold validate-extra (unwrap! extras ERR-NOTFOUND) (ok true))) ERR-INVALID-EXTRA)

      (asserts! (not (is-eq tx-sender author-principal)) ERR-UNAUTHORIZED)
      (try! (send-message content attachment-uri thumbnail-uri (some reply-to) mine-amounts alt-origin none none pay-dev pay-gaia dev-stx-amount gaia-stx-amount dev-principal gaia-principal cryptocash-core-contract))
      (try! (like-message author-principal liked-txid cryptocash-token-contract like-ft-amount pay-dev pay-gaia dev-ft-amount gaia-ft-amount dev-principal gaia-principal none none))

      ;; Executes extention contract function if defined
      (if (not (is-none ext))
          ((targetContract (unwrap! ext ERR-NOTFOUND))) 
          (try! (contract-call? targetContract exec-ext-func extras))

      (ok true)

;; Core Operation Unfavorable Reply Message
(define-public (unfavorable-reply-message 
  (content (string-utf8 256)) 
  (author-principal principal) 
  (attachment-uri (optional (string-utf8 256))) 
  (thumbnail-uri (optional (string-utf8 256))) 
  (reply-to (string-utf8 256))   
  (disliked-txid (string-utf8 256)) 
  (mine-amounts (list 200 uint))  
  (alt-origin (string-utf8 256))
  (ext (optional <derupt-ext-trait>))  
  (extras (optional (list 10 
      stringutf8: (optional (string-utf8 256)), 
      stringascii: (optional (string-ascii 256)), 
      uint: (optional uint), 
      int: (optional int), 
      principal: (optional principal), 
      bool: (optional bool),
      buff: (optional (buff 34)),
      proxy: (optional (buff 2048)),
      cryptocash-token-contract: (optional <cryptocash-token-trait>),
      cryptocash-core-contract: (optional <cryptocash-core-trait>),
      sip-009-contract: (optional <sip-009-trait>),
      sip-010-contract: (optional <sip-010-trait>),
      sip-013-contract: (optional <sip-013-trait>)
  (cryptocash-token-contract <cryptocash-token-trait>)
  (cryptocash-core-contract <cryptocash-core-trait>)
  (dislike-ft-amount uint)
  (lockPeriod uint)
  (pay-dev bool) 
  (pay-gaia bool) 
  (dev-stx-amount uint) 
  (gaia-stx-amount uint)
  (dev-ft-amount uint) 
  (gaia-ft-amount uint)
  (dev-principal (optional principal)) 
  (gaia-principal (optional principal))

      ;; Validate EXTRAs Optional CryptoCash Core & Token - for Ext use
      (if (is-some extras) 
        (asserts! (is-ok (fold validate-extra (unwrap! extras ERR-NOTFOUND) (ok true))) ERR-INVALID-EXTRA)

      (asserts! (not (is-eq tx-sender author-principal)) ERR-UNAUTHORIZED)
      (try! (send-message content attachment-uri thumbnail-uri (some reply-to) mine-amounts alt-origin none none pay-dev pay-gaia dev-stx-amount gaia-stx-amount dev-principal gaia-principal cryptocash-core-contract))
      (try! (dislike-message author-principal disliked-txid cryptocash-token-contract cryptocash-core-contract dislike-ft-amount lockPeriod pay-dev pay-gaia dev-ft-amount gaia-ft-amount dev-principal gaia-principal none none))

      ;; Executes extention contract function if defined
      (if (not (is-none ext))
          ((targetContract (unwrap! ext ERR-NOTFOUND))) 
          (try! (contract-call? targetContract exec-ext-func extras))
      (ok true)

;; Set the derupt-core-yyyymmdd version in derupt-feed contract as a data variable
(contract-call? .derupt-feed set-derupt-core-contract derupt-core-yyyymmdd)

Last updated