Users call their own .derupt-profile which then calls .derupt-core-yyyymmdd
The core maybe require or receive upgrades/updates from time to time, for that we follow a simple date based naming convention to track versions.
.derupt-core-yyyymmdd contract is for handling public message & action logic.
.derupt-core-yyyymmdd contract receives calls from .derupt-profile contracts and proceeds to process them accordingly.
users should deploy a
contract in app before using core features.users should call
users should not call
.derupt-core-yyyymmdd (nor logging contracts)
Functions Process Transactions Overview:
What happens in a process depends on the function the user is calling.
send-message: mine-citycoin is called during this process.
like-message: transfer-citycoin is called during this process.
dislike-message: stack-citycoin is called during this process.
favorable-reply-message: mine-citycoin & transfer-citycoin is called during this process.
unfavorable-reply-message: mine-citycoin & stack-citycoin is called during this process.
The five core functions and arguments in the .derupt-core-yyyymmdd
Last updated