
This doc is wip of v1 .cryptocash-core-trait contract - for CryptoCash needs

;; CryptoCash Core Trait

(define-trait cryptocash-core

    (register-user ((optional (string-utf8 50)))
      (response bool uint)

    (mine-tokens (uint (optional (buff 34)))
      (response bool uint)

    (claim-mining-reward (uint)
      (response bool uint)

    (stack-tokens (uint uint)
      (response bool uint)

    (claim-stacking-reward (uint)
      (response bool uint)

    (set-foundation-wallet (principal)
      (response bool uint)
    (shutdown-contract (uint)
      (response bool uint)

  1. register-user: This function appears to allow users to register themselves. It takes an optional string parameter (possibly representing user information) and returns a boolean indicating success or failure, along with a uint.

  2. mine-tokens: This function seems to facilitate the mining of tokens. It takes a uint parameter (possibly representing the number of tokens to mine) and an optional buffer parameter, and returns a boolean indicating success or failure, along with a uint.

  3. claim-mining-reward: This function is likely used to claim mining rewards. It takes a uint parameter (possibly representing the reward to claim) and returns a boolean indicating success or failure, along with a uint.

  4. stack-tokens: This function seems to handle the stacking of tokens. It takes two uint parameters (possibly representing the amount of tokens and some identifier) and returns a boolean indicating success or failure, along with a uint.

  5. claim-stacking-reward: This function appears to be for claiming stacking rewards. It takes a uint parameter (possibly representing the reward to claim) and returns a boolean indicating success or failure, along with a uint.

  6. set-foundation-wallet: This function is to set a foundation wallet address. It takes a principal parameter (possibly representing a wallet address) and returns a boolean indicating success or failure, along with a uint.

  7. shutdown-contract: This function seems to be for shutting down the contract. It takes a uint parameter (possibly representing some condition for shutdown) and returns a boolean indicating success or failure, along with a uint.

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