
This doc is wip of v1 .cryptocash-auth contract - for CryptoCash needs

;; CryptoCash Protocol Version 1.0.1

(define-constant CONTRACT_OWNER tx-sender)


(use-trait coreTrait 'SP466FNC0P7JWTNM2R9T199QRZN1MYEDTAR0KP27.cryptocash-core-trait.cryptocash-core)
(use-trait tokenTrait 'SP466FNC0P7JWTNM2R9T199QRZN1MYEDTAR0KP27.cryptocash-token-trait.cryptocash-token)


(define-constant ERR_UNKNOWN_JOB u6000)
(define-constant ERR_UNAUTHORIZED u6001)
(define-constant ERR_JOB_IS_ACTIVE u6002)
(define-constant ERR_JOB_IS_NOT_ACTIVE u6003)
(define-constant ERR_ALREADY_VOTED_THIS_WAY u6004)
(define-constant ERR_JOB_IS_EXECUTED u6005)
(define-constant ERR_JOB_IS_NOT_APPROVED u6006)
(define-constant ERR_ARGUMENT_ALREADY_EXISTS u6007)
(define-constant ERR_NO_ACTIVE_CORE_CONTRACT u6008)
(define-constant ERR_CORE_CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND u6009)
(define-constant ERR_UNKNOWN_ARGUMENT u6010)


(define-constant REQUIRED_APPROVALS u3)

(define-data-var lastJobId uint u0)

(define-map Jobs
    creator: principal,
    name: (string-ascii 255),
    target: principal,
    approvals: uint,
    disapprovals: uint,
    isActive: bool,
    isExecuted: bool

(define-map JobApprovers
  { jobId: uint, approver: principal }

(define-map Approvers

(define-map ArgumentLastIdsByType
  { jobId: uint, argumentType: (string-ascii 25) }

(define-map UIntArgumentsByName
  { jobId: uint, argumentName: (string-ascii 255) }
  { argumentId: uint, value: uint}

(define-map UIntArgumentsById
  { jobId: uint, argumentId: uint }
  { argumentName: (string-ascii 255), value: uint }

(define-map PrincipalArgumentsByName
  { jobId: uint, argumentName: (string-ascii 255) }
  { argumentId: uint, value: principal }

(define-map PrincipalArgumentsById
  { jobId: uint, argumentId: uint }
  { argumentName: (string-ascii 255), value: principal }


(define-read-only (get-last-job-id)
  (var-get lastJobId)

(define-public (create-job (name (string-ascii 255)) (target principal))
      (newJobId (+ (var-get lastJobId) u1))
    (asserts! (is-approver tx-sender) (err ERR_UNAUTHORIZED))
    (map-set Jobs
        creator: tx-sender,
        name: name,
        target: target,
        approvals: u0,
        disapprovals: u0,
        isActive: false,
        isExecuted: false
    (var-set lastJobId newJobId)
    (ok newJobId)

(define-read-only (get-job (jobId uint))
  (map-get? Jobs jobId)

(define-public (activate-job (jobId uint))
      (job (unwrap! (get-job jobId) (err ERR_UNKNOWN_JOB)))
    (asserts! (is-eq (get creator job) tx-sender) (err ERR_UNAUTHORIZED))
    (asserts! (not (get isActive job)) (err ERR_JOB_IS_ACTIVE))
    (map-set Jobs 
      (merge job { isActive: true })
    (ok true)

(define-public (approve-job (jobId uint))
      (job (unwrap! (get-job jobId) (err ERR_UNKNOWN_JOB)))
      (previousVote (map-get? JobApprovers { jobId: jobId, approver: tx-sender }))
    (asserts! (get isActive job) (err ERR_JOB_IS_NOT_ACTIVE))
    (asserts! (is-approver tx-sender) (err ERR_UNAUTHORIZED))
    ;; save vote
    (map-set JobApprovers
      { jobId: jobId, approver: tx-sender }
    (match previousVote approved
        (asserts! (not approved) (err ERR_ALREADY_VOTED_THIS_WAY))
        (map-set Jobs jobId
          (merge job 
              approvals: (+ (get approvals job) u1),
              disapprovals: (- (get disapprovals job) u1)
      ;; no previous vote
      (map-set Jobs
        (merge job { approvals: (+ (get approvals job) u1) } )
    (ok true)

(define-public (disapprove-job (jobId uint))
      (job (unwrap! (get-job jobId) (err ERR_UNKNOWN_JOB)))
      (previousVote (map-get? JobApprovers { jobId: jobId, approver: tx-sender }))
    (asserts! (get isActive job) (err ERR_JOB_IS_NOT_ACTIVE))
    (asserts! (is-approver tx-sender) (err ERR_UNAUTHORIZED))
    ;; save vote
    (map-set JobApprovers
      { jobId: jobId, approver: tx-sender }
    (match previousVote approved
        (asserts! approved (err ERR_ALREADY_VOTED_THIS_WAY))
        (map-set Jobs jobId
          (merge job 
              approvals: (- (get approvals job) u1),
              disapprovals: (+ (get disapprovals job) u1)
      ;; no previous vote
      (map-set Jobs
        (merge job { disapprovals: (+ (get disapprovals job) u1) } )
    (ok true)

(define-read-only (is-job-approved (jobId uint))
  (match (get-job jobId) job
    (>= (get approvals job) REQUIRED_APPROVALS)

(define-public (mark-job-as-executed (jobId uint))
      (job (unwrap! (get-job jobId) (err ERR_UNKNOWN_JOB)))
    (asserts! (get isActive job) (err ERR_JOB_IS_NOT_ACTIVE))
    (asserts! (>= (get approvals job) REQUIRED_APPROVALS) (err ERR_JOB_IS_NOT_APPROVED))
    (asserts! (is-eq (get target job) contract-caller) (err ERR_UNAUTHORIZED))
    (asserts! (not (get isExecuted job)) (err ERR_JOB_IS_EXECUTED))
    (map-set Jobs
      (merge job { isExecuted: true })
    (ok true)

(define-public (add-uint-argument (jobId uint) (argumentName (string-ascii 255)) (value uint))
      (argumentId (generate-argument-id jobId "uint"))
    (try! (guard-add-argument jobId))
        (map-insert UIntArgumentsById
          { jobId: jobId, argumentId: argumentId }
          { argumentName: argumentName, value: value }
        (map-insert UIntArgumentsByName
          { jobId: jobId, argumentName: argumentName }
          { argumentId: argumentId, value: value}
    (ok true)

(define-read-only (get-uint-argument-by-name (jobId uint) (argumentName (string-ascii 255)))
  (map-get? UIntArgumentsByName { jobId: jobId, argumentName: argumentName })

(define-read-only (get-uint-argument-by-id (jobId uint) (argumentId uint))
  (map-get? UIntArgumentsById { jobId: jobId, argumentId: argumentId })

(define-read-only (get-uint-value-by-name (jobId uint) (argumentName (string-ascii 255)))
  (get value (get-uint-argument-by-name jobId argumentName))

(define-read-only (get-uint-value-by-id (jobId uint) (argumentId uint))
  (get value (get-uint-argument-by-id jobId argumentId))

(define-public (add-principal-argument (jobId uint) (argumentName (string-ascii 255)) (value principal))
      (argumentId (generate-argument-id jobId "principal"))
    (try! (guard-add-argument jobId))
        (map-insert PrincipalArgumentsById
          { jobId: jobId, argumentId: argumentId }
          { argumentName: argumentName, value: value }
        (map-insert PrincipalArgumentsByName
          { jobId: jobId, argumentName: argumentName }
          { argumentId: argumentId, value: value}
    (ok true)

(define-read-only (get-principal-argument-by-name (jobId uint) (argumentName (string-ascii 255)))
  (map-get? PrincipalArgumentsByName { jobId: jobId, argumentName: argumentName })

(define-read-only (get-principal-argument-by-id (jobId uint) (argumentId uint))
  (map-get? PrincipalArgumentsById { jobId: jobId, argumentId: argumentId })

(define-read-only (get-principal-value-by-name (jobId uint) (argumentName (string-ascii 255)))
  (get value (get-principal-argument-by-name jobId argumentName))

(define-read-only (get-principal-value-by-id (jobId uint) (argumentId uint))
  (get value (get-principal-argument-by-id jobId argumentId))


(define-read-only  (is-approver (user principal))
  (default-to false (map-get? Approvers user))

(define-private (generate-argument-id (jobId uint) (argumentType (string-ascii 25)))
      (argumentId (+ (default-to u0 (map-get? ArgumentLastIdsByType { jobId: jobId, argumentType: argumentType })) u1))
    (map-set ArgumentLastIdsByType
      { jobId: jobId, argumentType: argumentType }
    ;; return

(define-private (guard-add-argument (jobId uint))
      (job (unwrap! (get-job jobId) (err ERR_UNKNOWN_JOB)))
    (asserts! (not (get isActive job)) (err ERR_JOB_IS_ACTIVE))
    (asserts! (is-eq (get creator job) contract-caller) (err ERR_UNAUTHORIZED))
    (ok true)


;; initial value for active core contract
;; set to deployer address at startup to prevent
;; circular dependency of core on auth
(define-data-var activeCoreContract principal CONTRACT_OWNER)
(define-data-var initialized bool false)

;; core contract states
(define-constant STATE_DEPLOYED u0)
(define-constant STATE_ACTIVE u1)
(define-constant STATE_INACTIVE u2)

;; core contract map
(define-map CoreContracts
    state: uint, 
    startHeight: uint,
    endHeight: uint

;; getter for active core contract
(define-read-only (get-active-core-contract)
    (asserts! (not (is-eq (var-get activeCoreContract) CONTRACT_OWNER)) (err ERR_NO_ACTIVE_CORE_CONTRACT))
    (ok (var-get activeCoreContract))

;; getter for core contract map
(define-read-only (get-core-contract-info (targetContract principal))
      (coreContract (unwrap! (map-get? CoreContracts targetContract) (err ERR_CORE_CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND)))
    (ok coreContract)

;; one-time function to initialize contracts after all contracts are deployed
;; - check that deployer is calling this function
;; - check this contract is not activated already (one-time use)
;; - set initial map value for core contract v1
;; - set foundationWallet in core contract
;; - set intialized true
(define-public (initialize-contracts (coreContract <coreTrait>))
      (coreContractAddress (contract-of coreContract))
    (asserts! (is-eq contract-caller CONTRACT_OWNER) (err ERR_UNAUTHORIZED))
    (asserts! (not (var-get initialized)) (err ERR_UNAUTHORIZED))
    (map-set CoreContracts
        state: STATE_DEPLOYED,
        startHeight: u0,
        endHeight: u0
    (try! (contract-call? coreContract set-foundation-wallet (var-get foundationWallet)))
    (var-set initialized true)
    (ok true)

(define-read-only (is-initialized)
  (var-get initialized)

;; function to activate core contract through registration
;; - check that target is in core contract map
;; - check that caller is core contract
;; - set active in core contract map
;; - set as activeCoreContract
(define-public (activate-core-contract (targetContract principal) (stacksHeight uint))
      (coreContract (unwrap! (map-get? CoreContracts targetContract) (err ERR_CORE_CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND)))
    (asserts! (is-eq contract-caller targetContract) (err ERR_UNAUTHORIZED))
    (map-set CoreContracts
        state: STATE_ACTIVE,
        startHeight: stacksHeight,
        endHeight: u0
    (var-set activeCoreContract targetContract)
    (ok true)

;; ;; protected function to update core contract
;; (define-public (upgrade-core-contract (oldContract <coreTrait>) (newContract <coreTrait>))
;;   (let
;;     (
;;       (oldContractAddress (contract-of oldContract))
;;       (oldContractMap (unwrap! (map-get? CoreContracts oldContractAddress) (err ERR_CORE_CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND)))
;;       (newContractAddress (contract-of newContract))
;;     )
;;     (asserts! (not (is-eq oldContractAddress newContractAddress)) (err ERR_UNAUTHORIZED))
;;     (asserts! (is-authorized-founder) (err ERR_UNAUTHORIZED))
;;     (map-set CoreContracts
;;       oldContractAddress
;;       {
;;         state: STATE_INACTIVE,
;;         startHeight: (get startHeight oldContractMap),
;;         endHeight: block-height
;;       })
;;     (map-set CoreContracts
;;       newContractAddress
;;       {
;;         state: STATE_DEPLOYED,
;;         startHeight: u0,
;;         endHeight: u0
;;       })
;;     (var-set activeCoreContract newContractAddress)
;;     (try! (contract-call? oldContract shutdown-contract block-height))
;;     (try! (contract-call? newContract set-foundation-wallet (var-get foundationWallet)))
;;     (ok true)
;;   )
;; )

;; (define-public (execute-upgrade-core-contract-job (jobId uint) (oldContract <coreTrait>) (newContract <coreTrait>))
;;   (let
;;     (
;;       (oldContractArg (unwrap! (get-principal-value-by-name jobId "oldContract") (err ERR_UNKNOWN_ARGUMENT)))
;;       (newContractArg (unwrap! (get-principal-value-by-name jobId "newContract") (err ERR_UNKNOWN_ARGUMENT)))
;;       (oldContractAddress (contract-of oldContract))
;;       (oldContractMap (unwrap! (map-get? CoreContracts oldContractAddress) (err ERR_CORE_CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND)))
;;       (newContractAddress (contract-of newContract))
;;     )
;;     (asserts! (is-approver contract-caller) (err ERR_UNAUTHORIZED))
;;     (asserts! (and (is-eq oldContractArg oldContractAddress) (is-eq newContractArg newContractAddress)) (err ERR_UNAUTHORIZED))
;;     (asserts! (not (is-eq oldContractAddress newContractAddress)) (err ERR_UNAUTHORIZED))
;;     (map-set CoreContracts
;;       oldContractAddress
;;       {
;;         state: STATE_INACTIVE,
;;         startHeight: (get startHeight oldContractMap),
;;         endHeight: block-height
;;       })
;;     (map-set CoreContracts
;;       newContractAddress
;;       {
;;         state: STATE_DEPLOYED,
;;         startHeight: u0,
;;         endHeight: u0
;;       })
;;     (var-set activeCoreContract newContractAddress)
;;     (try! (contract-call? oldContract shutdown-contract block-height))
;;     (try! (contract-call? newContract set-foundation-wallet (var-get foundationWallet)))
;;     (as-contract (mark-job-as-executed jobId))
;;   )
;; )


;; initial value for foundation wallet
(define-data-var foundationWallet principal 'SM18VBF2QYAAHN57Q28E2HSM15F6078JZYZ2FQBCX)

;; returns foundation wallet principal
(define-read-only (get-foundation-wallet)
  (ok (var-get foundationWallet))
;; protected function to update foundation wallet variable
(define-public (set-foundation-wallet (targetContract <coreTrait>) (newFoundationWallet principal))
      (coreContractAddress (contract-of targetContract))
      (coreContract (unwrap! (map-get? CoreContracts coreContractAddress) (err ERR_CORE_CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND)))
    (asserts! (is-authorized-founder) (err ERR_UNAUTHORIZED))
    (asserts! (is-eq coreContractAddress (var-get activeCoreContract)) (err ERR_UNAUTHORIZED))
    (var-set foundationWallet newFoundationWallet)
    (try! (contract-call? targetContract set-foundation-wallet newFoundationWallet))
    (ok true)

(define-public (execute-set-foundation-wallet-job (jobId uint) (targetContract <coreTrait>))
      (coreContractAddress (contract-of targetContract))
      (coreContract (unwrap! (map-get? CoreContracts coreContractAddress) (err ERR_CORE_CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND)))
      (newFoundationWallet (unwrap! (get-principal-value-by-name jobId "newFoundationWallet") (err ERR_UNKNOWN_ARGUMENT)))
    (asserts! (is-approver contract-caller) (err ERR_UNAUTHORIZED))
    (asserts! (is-eq coreContractAddress (var-get activeCoreContract)) (err ERR_UNAUTHORIZED))
    (var-set foundationWallet newFoundationWallet)
    (try! (contract-call? targetContract set-foundation-wallet newFoundationWallet))
    (as-contract (mark-job-as-executed jobId))

;; check if contract caller is foundation wallet
(define-private (is-authorized-founder)
  (is-eq contract-caller (var-get foundationWallet))


(define-public (set-token-uri (targetContract <tokenTrait>) (newUri (optional (string-utf8 256))))
    (asserts! (is-authorized-founder) (err ERR_UNAUTHORIZED))
    (as-contract (try! (contract-call? targetContract set-token-uri newUri)))
    (ok true)


(define-public (execute-replace-approver-job (jobId uint))
      (oldApprover (unwrap! (get-principal-value-by-name jobId "oldApprover") (err ERR_UNKNOWN_ARGUMENT)))
      (newApprover (unwrap! (get-principal-value-by-name jobId "newApprover") (err ERR_UNKNOWN_ARGUMENT)))
    (asserts! (is-approver contract-caller) (err ERR_UNAUTHORIZED))
    (map-set Approvers oldApprover false)
    (map-set Approvers newApprover true)
    (as-contract (mark-job-as-executed jobId))


(map-insert Approvers 'SP372JVX6EWE2M0XPA84MWZYRRG2M6CAC4VVC12V1 true)
(map-insert Approvers 'SP2R0DQYR7XHD161SH2GK49QRP1YSV7HE9JSG7W6G true)
(map-insert Approvers 'SPN4Y5QPGQA8882ZXW90ADC2DHYXMSTN8VAR8C3X true)
(map-insert Approvers 'SP3YYGCGX1B62CYAH4QX7PQE63YXG7RDTXD8BQHJQ true)
(map-insert Approvers 'SP7DGES13508FHRWS1FB0J3SZA326FP6QRMB6JDE true)
  1. Job Management:

    • Creation of jobs with a name and target principal.

    • Activation of jobs by the creator.

    • Approval and disapproval of jobs by authorized users.

    • Checking if a job has received the required number of approvals.

  2. Argument Management:

    • Addition of arguments to jobs, including uint and principal values.

    • Retrieval of argument values by job ID and argument name or ID.

  3. Contract Management:

    • Initialization of contracts, including setting the initial state of the core contract.

    • Activation and upgrade of core contracts.

    • Setting and retrieval of the foundation wallet principal.

  4. Token Management:

    • Setting the token URI for token contracts.

  5. Approvers Management:

    • Management of authorized users who can interact with the contract.

  6. Utility Functions:

    • Check if the contract has been initialized.

    • Check if the caller is an authorized user.

This contract facilitates the management of jobs, arguments, contracts, tokens, and authorized users within the CryptoCash ecosystem, providing a framework for decentralized governance and contract administration.

Last updated